She Dreamed
She Did.



She Dreamed She Did was born from my own whirlwind adventures in the corporate world and a profound realisation of the gender disparities that exist within it. Over the years, I had the privilege (and sometimes the challenge!) of growing brands to seven figures and working alongside some of the world’s major blue-chip companies. These experiences were invaluable; they allowed me to learn the ropes (and sometimes untangle them) of what it truly takes to scale a business to significant heights.



During my MBA, where I specialised in commercial strategy, I delved deep into the intricacies of business growth. I validated the specific foundations required to transition from six to seven figures, understanding that this leap necessitates not just incremental improvements, but a fundamental shift in strategic foundations and mindset.

It became glaringly obvious to me that while the knowledge and strategies to achieve seven-figure growth were accessible, they were not equitably distributed. I saw firsthand the gender disparity that exists – women were often left out of critical networks, lacked access to essential resources, and faced biases that their male counterparts did not. Only 2% of women-owned businesses ever reach the seven-figure mark. This statistic was like a splash of cold water – it woke me up to the urgent need for change.

This realisation was a turning point. I knew that something had to change. I understood that my success in growing brands and navigating the corporate world couldn’t be an isolated story. More women needed to have the opportunity, support, and resources to break through these barriers and achieve extraordinary success.

She Dreamed She Did is my heartfelt response to this disparity. It is a business dedicated to empowering women, providing them with the mentorship, resources, and community they need to break through barriers and achieve seven-figure success.

My mission is to transform these statistics, one successful woman-owned business at a time. – I hope we can be part of this journey together.

During my MBA, where I specialised in commercial strategy, I delved deep into the intricacies of business growth. I validated the specific foundations required to transition from six to seven figures, understanding that this leap necessitates not just incremental improvements, but a fundamental shift in strategic foundations and mindset.

It became glaringly obvious to me that while the knowledge and strategies to achieve seven-figure growth were accessible, they were not equitably distributed. I saw firsthand the gender disparity that exists – women were often left out of critical networks, lacked access to essential resources, and faced biases that their male counterparts did not. Only 2% of women-owned businesses ever reach the seven-figure mark. When I learned this statistic, it shocked me to my core – it woke me up to the urgent need for change.

This realisation was a turning point. I knew that something had to change. I understood that my success in growing brands and navigating the corporate world couldn’t be an isolated story. More women needed to have the opportunity, support, and resources to break through these barriers and achieve extraordinary success.

She Dreamed She Did is my heartfelt response to this disparity. It is a business dedicated to empowering women, providing them with the mentorship, resources, and community they need to break through barriers and achieve seven-figure success.

My mission is to transform these statistics, one successful woman-owned business at a time. – I hope we can be part of this journey together.


During my Career I have closed £30Million in deals ranging from low ticket to high ticket deals

I have worked with 20 Bluechip companies and I have been involved in products from concept to launch and have created long term commercial strategies that I have generated 7 & multi 7 figure products

I have worked with businesses across the Globe and have been involved in their commercial plans every step of the way

I dedicated my thesis to creating a proven step by step framework that helps businesses scale to 7 and multi 7 figures

Specialising in sales and consumer psychology

 It’s an absolute delight to welcome you to this space.

As someone who has also experienced the highs and lows of business life, I can assure you that every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow. With this mindset of continuous improvement, we can achieve remarkable things and leave a meaningful impact on the world. I’m thrilled to share my insights and authentic experiences with you, to positively impact your business journey and success. I hope we can embark on this ride together, we’ll engage in thought-provoking conversations, and maybe even share some laughs along the way. Above all, my goal is to empower you to create a purposeful and fulfilling business.

If you’ve read this far, thank you. I hope this is just the beginning of a great journey together.

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